Tigger is a fictional tiger character originally introduced in the 1928 story collection The House at Pooh Corner, the sequel to the 1926 book Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne. Like other Pooh characters, Tigger is based on one of Christopher Robin Milne‘s stuffed toy animals. Tigger appears in the Disney cartoon versions of Winnie the Pooh and has also appeared in his own film, The Tigger Movie (2000).
He is known for his distinctive orange and black stripes, large eyes, a long chin, a springy tail, and his love of bouncing. As he says himself, “Bouncing is what Tiggers do best.” Tigger never refers to himself as a tiger, but as a “Tigger”. Although he often refers to himself in the third person plural (e.g. “Tiggers don’t like honey!”), he maintains that he is “the only one”.
Tigger’s personality in the cartoons is much like his personality in the book. He is very confident and has quite an ego, he often thinks of himself as being handsome, and some of his other comments suggest he has a high opinion of himself. Tigger is always filled with great energy and optimism, and though always well-meaning, he can also be mischievous, and his actions have sometimes led to chaos and trouble for himself and his friends. Also, he often undertakes tasks with gusto, only to later realize they were not as easy as he had originally imagined. As in the books, Tigger never refers to himself as a tiger, but as a “Tigger”. When Tigger introduces himself, he often says the proper way to spell his name and that is “T-I-double-Guh-Er”, which spells “Tigger”.