Stitch, also known as Experiment 626 (pronounced “six two six”), is a fictional character from Disney’s Lilo & Stitch franchise. A genetically engineered, extraterrestrial life-form resembling a blue koala, he is the more prominent of the franchise’s two title protagonists, the other being his human adopter and best friend Lilo Pelekai.
Stitch was created by Lilo & Stitch co-writer and co-director Chris Sanders, who also voices him in all Western-produced media that he appears in. Ben Diskin voices the character in the English versions of the Eastern-produced television spin-offs Stitch! and Stitch & Ai.
Stitch is a short, blue alien with a koala-like body shape. His large rabbit-like ears have asymmetrically placed triangular notches on the outer rims, one near the tip of his right ear and another near the base of his left ear, although these notches are occasionally misplaced in some media, usually on their respective opposite ears. The backs of the ear tips are colored indigo. He has a wide mouth, a round nose, solid black eyes (dark brown sclerae-less eyes in Kinect: Disneyland Adventures), and a small, short, and stumpy tail. He has three tufts of fur on top of his head and another three on his chest. He has aqua countershading around his eyes and from his lower lip extending down to the bottom of his abdomen.